Thursday, November 29, 2007


Hurray for Smashing!

I've finally been able to find a guild that raids in my new playtime. I was running a late night coalition of players on Rexxar. We were doin' pretty good. Went from a total PUG, to clearing to prince in the space of a month and a half or so. Then my job changed my schedule and I couldn't raid late at night anymore. And with the wifey getting angry if I tried to raid during prime time, I really didn't want to join a guild that raids prime-time. But there was a lack of guilds raiding in the late evenings. I'd notice the recruitment post for smashing for a few weeks. I had thought about it, then last week I decided, what the hell, and sent in an app and talked to one of the GM's.

Smashing only accepts people if everyone in the guild agrees. It's a fairly small, and tight knit group of people. They are pretty fun to hang out with. I got accepted on Sunday, and Tuesday night after the reset, I was asked if I wanted to go to Kara. Of course I accepted because I was eager to return to raiding and wanted to see how good I was going to fit in.

We were aiming to get at least thruogh to Shade. We got to Curator. Not bad though all the bosses were one-shots. The trash after the Opera was giving us some fits though. I don't know why, i've done that trash plenty of times and usually don't die when doing my AOE thing. The first pack, I'll admit I jumped the gun and started throwing out the seeds a little bit early. Of course, once the seeds ripened and exploded I pulled aggro and died fairly quickly. The MT( also raid leader) mentioned not seeding right off the bat. So the next pull I waited till he had sunders on at least 2-3 mobs. I think i waited like 6-7 seconds or so, then did my normal seed, tab, seed, tab routine. Again i pulled aggro from the first seed and died. The raid leader seemed rather upset with me over it. I told him I wasn't doing it on purpose, if I wanted to die, i'd stand in the middle and Hellfire. From that point I held waaay back and didn't try to seed again. The three pulls don't really require alot of AOE on them, so I tried to just focus fire, or cast rain of fire. That was really the only hiccup in the run that I saw. Overall I had fun and think I'm gonna fit in nicely!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

History Post pt 2 The hunter

To continue with the history lesson /sigh.

I had originally started with my warlocks. But was bored at 60 and not being able to raid. I friend suggested I start a BG twink. I thought it over and discussed with him what classes were good for a BG twink. After mulling it over I started a hunter. Leveled it up to 18 and got it what i thought was some decent gear. I had alot of fun leveling it. I started to play some BG's but didn't really care for it. So I thought why not just level it up. A hunter makes a good farming toon. I initally went with skinning/mining as my proffesions so I could make mad cash off of selling the collected mats.

I had gotten the hunter up to around 40 or so when word of TBC being released came out. I got lucky and got an invite into the BC beta. So I copied over 2/3 warlocks and my hunter. I had fun in the beta till the warlock hit 70. Then decided to get my hunter to 60 or close to it before BC was released. I actually didnt' make it to 60 till like 2 weeks after BC came out. But I really really liked playin' the hunter. So I decided to take turns leveling the hunter and my warlock on Rexxar. I'd level till the rested was gone, then switch toons and do the same. Got both my toons up to 70 and got them both attuned for Kara.

I focus mainly on my warlock. But I try to keep my hunter geared up and maxed on proffesions as well. I don't get much playtime lately but when I do play I try to do something that will improve the characters in some way. Lately it's been trying to save up enough money to get the hunter her epic flying mount. The warlock already has his epic flyer, the netherdrake and the flying ray. And as of last night his epic engineering flying machine (which totally rocks)!

Well think that's it for now.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Obligitory History Post - Pt 1

This is the obligatory history post.

I've been playing World of Warcraft since about 2 weeks after release. A bunch of co-workers kept talking about this new game. World of Warcraft. A new MMORPG. I'd never tried any MMO's before but i am a big fan of RPG's. And I absolutely loved Diablo I and II. One of them showed a guide book and I looked up some stuff online. I was hooked!

I read up on the classes and got hooked on the idea of the warlock. The whole enslaving Demons thing appealed to me. So I rolled a gnome warlock on the Feathermoon server to play with my co-workers. Got the lock up to 45 when my friends moved away and didn't seem to be on much anymore. I really didn't have much luck finding groups etc. So a few months later i notice they opened up a new server, Skywall. I figured great time for a fresh start on a brand new server. I created a second gnome warlock on Skywall, joined a decent starter guild and eventually made it to 60 and 8/8 Dreadmist (lol).

Then my work schedule began to go bonkers. I couldn't make raids, just PUG'd alot of instances and farmed. I was starting to get burnt out, whenBlizz decided to open up the first Oceanic servers. Yay, time for another fresh start! I was grouping with alot of Aussies anyway so I figured what the heck might as well try to level another toon on the Oceanic servers. So I created yet another gnome warlock on Khaz'Goroth. Got him to 60, and 7/8 Dreadmist. But my work schedule changed yet again. I couldn't make raids, etc. I really loved the game and wanted to play but with a shitty work schedule it was hard to really make any progress.

Then blizz came to the rescue yet again. They started offering server transfers from high-pop to low-pop/new servers. I heard from a co-worker that they were offering server transfers from Feathermoon/Suramar to a brand new server: Rexxar. His entire guild was transfering and he could get me into his guild if i tranfered my warlock there. So I figured sure thing, worth a shot. So i woke up the level 45 on Feathermoon and transferred him over to Rexxar. I got him to 60 in no time with the help of my friend and new guildies.

So there I was, 3 level 60 Gnome Warlocks. On three different servers, and still couldn't make any raids on either of them. But wow this has been longer than I anticipated so I think I'll cut it out for now. And tell the story of my hunter tomorrow.